You're a legitimate coach, consultant, expert or course creator
You've tried all the complex marketing stuff and heavy handed sales tactics but don't have the sales or clients you want
You've tried to build an audience by giving away free stuff but it feels like they don't listen to you, like at all
You don't have an email list, or the one you have is full of freebee seekers who don't buy from you
You're done with wasting time giving away free stuff, posting content and speaking to people who can't afford to become clients anyway
You want the authority of having a client-getting book without spending months or years trying to get it done
The simple book sales method I've used to bring in 2,481+ qualified buyers this year that you can copy TODAY
How I turn $3 book buyers into $3,000+ clients in 3 days without calls
What to say in your book so people actually read it, get results, become FANS & come back begging to buy more from you
How to make your book erase ad spend on DAY ONE (this is the secret to how I build big buyer audiences fast & FREE)
How I'm using 1 short book to REPLACE sales calls, webinars, hard selling, cold DMs & complex marketing
PLUS get the copy-paste system for getting a client-generating book finished in just 7 days (even if you hate writing)
Option A: Do nothing, click away and go back to giving away freebies to try to build your audience, doing complex stuff and starting over every month from scratch...
Option B: Invest the $3 & learn how to add 20+ BUYERS to your audience daily who are highly likely to buy your premium offers from you...
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